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In this lesson we will be taking a look at the OFFSET function, which returns a range of cells given a certain position in relation to a specified cell.
It consists of five arguments: The origin cell, which for us will be C7… how many rows down… and how many columns to the right we want to reference… We then define the height… and width of the range we want.
We are now referencing the single cell that is 4 rows down, and one column over from cell C7.
Note that setting the location of the range as negative numbers, is the same as going up or to the left.
Having more than one as the height or width only works if we are using the function somehow.
For example, we can put an OFFSET function inside an AVERAGE function… and set the width and height to two, in order to get the average of the values in these four cells…
We have in this lesson shown how to use the OFFSET function.