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Updates in Excel Essentials, Bas & Basis

Updates in Excel Essentials, Bas & Basis

During this summer we are updating our major Excel Courses; Excel Essentials, Excel Bas and Excel Basis.

Over the past years, Excel has incorporated numerous new functions into its library. We consider some of them to be highly relevant and useful, deserving inclusion in the updated version of the course.

There is now a greater emphasis on functions in general. The objective is to teach students how to independently work with functions. To excel in Excel (pun intended), it is crucial to grasp the underlying logic behind function flows. Consequently, we have chosen to allocate more focus to functions in the new version of the course. This way, students can develop a better understanding of working with functions in a broader sense, rather than solely focusing on specific problems.

Sample lesson: Logical Functions 👇

This lesson will also be available in Swedish and Norwegian

Furthermore, we have enhanced the emphasis on data management and structuring, including more content on databases and tables.

Properly organizing and analyzing data is a critical skill demanded by the industry and the professional world. In the updated version, we devote more attention to explaining the significance of database structures and providing guidance on how to work with them accurately.

Additionally, there are now more general tips on how to work efficiently in Excel. While Excel offers users considerable flexibility, workplaces often enforce strict guidelines and process requirements. In the new version of the course, we highlight certain “best practices” in Excel and provide other useful tips that students can apply in real-world work scenarios.

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Emil har jobbat på Learnesy som produktutvecklare i flera år och ligger bakom flera av Learnesys kurser. Han har en utbildning inom datavetenskap med ett stort intresse för det analytiska och teoretiska. Utöver Finska och Svenska snackar Emil även flytande Excelfunktioner!