Learnesy.com updated today!
We made a major update to the page today and we still have some minor fixes to sort out the comming days. Bear with us while we are working on it. If you have any issues pls contact support@learnesy.com.
We are currently experiencing issues with order processing on our website. If you would like to order courses, please contact carolina@learnesy.com
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We made a major update to the page today and we still have some minor fixes to sort out the comming days. Bear with us while we are working on it. If you have any issues pls contact support@learnesy.com.
Which is me! I joined Learnesy this week and so far, I’ve e-mailed login details...
LOTS OF FREE LEARNING FROM LEARNESY DURING COVID 19! Covid 19 has forced many of us...
How to build a Binary decision tree in Excel – https://learnesy.com/newsletter/
Marcus är en av Learnesys grundare och har varit med företaget sedan 2014. Han lärde sig själv Excel under sina år som strategisk inköpare och controller, där han också noterade att det fanns ett utbrett behov för bättre kompetens inom området bland kollegorna. Med det som drivkraft har han drivit Learnesy i 10 år och fortsätter ständigt utvecklingen för att fler ska kunna lära sig Excel och dataanalys med Learnesy.