During the period 23/12 to 6/1, we will have slightly longer response times than usual. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🎄✨

Fall offer: Reduced price and extended access

Fall offer: Reduced price and extended access

Start 2024 with new knowledge!

New year, new challenges! Seize the opportunity to upskill to meet the goals and challenges that the upcoming year brings. We’re now lowering the prices on our course package All Courses and extending access for all new purchases. By buying All Courses, you get access to the entire Learnesys platform.

With this fall offer, you get immediate access and access throughout 2024. It also costs you only 499 SEK per month, which is 5988 SEK for 12 months.

Our English offering consists of 8 courses. This can be combined with our Swedish course selection, which is slightly larger. You can find the entire course catalog in English here.

Are there business/enterprise solutions?

Write to us here, and we’ll get back to you with more information and a solution that suits your group.

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Som produktutvecklare jobbar Niklas med att skapa och förvalta kurser på Learnesys plattform. Han har studerat statistik och har en bakgrund inom programmering och datavisualisering. Förutom goda kunskaper i Excel, har han ett brinnande intresse för dataanalys, och besitter goda kunskaper inom ämnet och verktyg för området.