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The Excel Functions Guide

Deepen and develop your Excel Functions skills

Learn to efficiently manage databases, clear text in cells and retrieve values from other tables. The course also goes through how to combine functions, which is required to be able to perform more advanced steps in Excel. With this knowledge, you will be able to simplify time-consuming parts of your work. With over 100 lessons spread over 12 chapters, you will learn a lot in the subject of Excel functions.

  • Complete the course at your own pace
  • Repeat as much as you want
  • Practical exercises and quizzes
  • Personal and digitally shareable diploma
  • Save lessons as favorites
  • The course takes about 4 hours to complete
  • Access to the course material for 12 months
  • 90+ lessons of functions and formulas
  • Get yourself a library of Excel functions
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Course creator, Learnesy

Hello! My name is Emil, and I have had the pleasure of being an Excel instructor at Learnesy for many years. In this course, we focus on the most useful functions in Excel, with the goal that you not only learn to handle these tools but also can apply them independently in your daily work.

My aim is to provide you with the tools to transform numbers into insights, and I am enthusiastic about supporting you on your journey to becoming an Excel master.

For more information or questions, contact me via email:

Some of the things you will learn in this course:

A library of 100+ functions

After completing the entire course, it can be used as a library of functions. Save your favorite functions and return to them for a refresh whenever you need it.

The most useful functions

Functions that show you how to summarize, count, how to manage absolute and relative references, financial functions, statistical functions, and more.

VLOOKUP and reference functions

VLOOKUP, perhaps Excel’s most famous function, is not always easily understood. Learn this useful function along with 10 other practical functions used to search for and collect values.

Handle dates and text

Something that even experienced Excel users know is complicated are dates and texts in tables or databases. Use functions such as WEEKDAY, WORKINGDAYS, MID, and many other smart tips and tricks to get your data in order and manage it correctly.

A lesson from the course

In this lesson from The Excel Functions Guide, you’ll learn the VLOOKUP function from the chapter “Lookup and reference”. The function looks for a given value in the leftmost column, and returns a value in another column on the same row. VLOOKUP is used to search and retrieve values, and is mainly used in spreadsheets with a lot of data. VLOOKUP can be compared to a phone book. You start with the information you know to find out what you don’t know.

The Excel Functions Guide is one of Learnesy’s intermediate courses in Excel. In this course, you’ll learn even more so-called reference functions. This course actually includes an entire chapter of such features. The remaining twelve chapters cover many other Excel functions with completely different purposes, such as matrix functions, statistics functions and text functions to name a few. In fact, the course contains about 90 lessons with functions, formulas and other tips and tricks for formula management.

Course Content

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Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/11 Steps
COUNT – Counts the number of cells containing numbers
Count the nonblank cells with COUNTA
Count the number of blank cells with COUNTBLANK
Count cells based on a criteria with COUNTIF
Count cells based on multiple criteria with COUNTIFS
Count logical values
Count text occurrences
Use SUM to sum up the values in a range of cells
Sum cells based on one criteria with SUMIF
Sum cells based on multiple criteria with SUMIFS
SUMPRODUCT sums the product of a range of cells
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/3 Steps
The IF-function
Combine the IF-function with AND / OR
Combine multiple IF-functions
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
Copy exact formulas
How to mix relative and absolute references
Sum values from multiple sheets with 3D references
Insert hyperlinks
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/8 Steps
Get the number of days between two dates with DATEDIF
Day of the year
Days until anniversity
Last day of the month
Number of NETWORKDAYS between two dates
NETWORKDAY returns a date after a number of weekdays
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/11 Steps
How to compare text in two different cells
Remove unwanted characters
Capital or small letters with UPPER, LOWER and PROPER
Extract characters with LEFT, RIGHT and MID
FIND and SEARCH characters in cells
SUBSTITUTE and REPLACE characters in cells
Count the number of words in cells
Number of instances a text or a number occurs in a cell
Separate strings of text from a cell
Use the Text to columns-guide
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/9 Steps
Search and return a value with VLOOKUP
Search and return a value with HLOOKUP
How to use VLOOKUP if you don’t have an exact reference
Use MATCH, INDEX, CHOOSE to find values in a list
Use INDEX/MATCH to return a value left of a reference
Get the cell reference for the cell with max value
Get a value using coordinates with OFFSET
Use INDEX/MATCH to lookup values in a two-dimensional range
Get values with an INDIRECT reference
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/10 Steps
PMT (payment)
NPER (number of periods)
PV (present value)
FV (future value)
PPMT (principal payment)
IPMT (interest payment)
IRR (internal rate of return)
NPV (net present value)
Compound interest
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/10 Steps
Get the average of values with AVERAGE/AVERAGEIF
Use FORECAST to predict the next number in a range
Find the middle/most common value with MEDIAN, MODE
Identify the n:th largest/smallest number with LARGE/SMALL
Use STDEV to calculate standard deviation
RAND returns a random number between 0-1
RANDBETWEEN returns a random number between two numbers
Rank the numbers in a range with RANK, RANK.AVG
QUARTILE returns the number corresponding to a quartile
Neutralise negative numbers in a list
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/4 Steps
ROUND numbers to integers or decimals
Use ROUNDUP/ROUNDDOWN to round numbers
Round to the closest EVEN or ODD number
Delete decimals with INT/TRUNC
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/6 Steps
How to find and correct circular references
How to deal with #NAME?, #VALUE! and ####
How to deal with #DIV/0! and #REF!
Trace dependent/Precedents cell references
Show and Evaluate formula, Error checking
Correct errors with ISERROR
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/10 Steps
Introduction to array formulas
Count the number of errors in a range
Count unique values in a range
Count cells with or and and criteria
Find the most frequent word in a range
Sum every nth row in a range
Sum the largest numbers in a range
Sum a range with error values
Sum cells with or and and criteria
Two-column lookup in an array formula
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/6 Steps
Introduction to depreciation
SLN (Straight Line)
SYD (Sum-of-Years’ Digits)
DB (Fixed Declining Balance Method)
DDB (Double Declining Balance Method)
VDB (Variable Declining Balance)
Chapter Content
0% Complete 0/13 Steps
Introduction to Dynamic Array Functions
Show the nth largest or smallest values
Filter every nth row
Use FILTER to remove columns
Randomly sort a list
Get common values

More about the course

The Excel Functions Guide is a continuation course for those who want to expand their competence within the program’s many functions. Prior knowledge of Excel is required. If you’re lacking said knowledge, we can recommend our course Excel Essentials. In addition to the more basic functions, you will also learn dynamic array functions and how to handle error messages. When you handle multiple functions, you can save time in your work because you can often replace multiple elements with a single formula. Last but not least – to become an advanced Excel user, you must be able to master functions.

  • Approximately 90 lessons divided into 12 chapters.
  • Total video time: 1 hour 40 minutes.
  • Estimated time to take the course including quizzes: 3 hours.
  • Average length per lesson: 1 minute.
  • Personal shareable certificate after completing the course.
certificate of course completion The Excel Functions Guide Sarah Anderson It is hereby certified that Sarah Anderson has with diligence and commendable efforts completed Learnesy's online course The Excel Functions Guide

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Educational scheme
  • Access to all material 24/7 for 12 months
  • Complete the course at your convenience
  • Repeat freely during the access period
  • Courses that are maintained and updated
  • Personal and digitally shareable diploma per course
  • Schedule and set goals for your learning
  • Save your favorite lessons
  • Ask your questions in our forum
  • Tech Support
  • Track and test your knowledge
  • Admin features for your team
  • LMS integration
  • Discounts for multiple users

Business groups

With our platform, we focus on improving your company's skills through customized course content, flexible learning times, and tracking tools to track and test employee progress. We offer courses in several languages ​​and for different skill levels, as well as the possibility of hybrid training and integration with your company's LMS system. When you feel ready - contact us for a quote.

  • Personal Account manager
  • Personal User Accounts
  • Select courses
  • Quantity discount
  • Statistics
  • Unique login domain
  • Prior knowledge and follow-up test
  • Compare progress with the group

Prices excluding VAT


Who should enroll this course?

This course is for those who have previously taken the course Excel Essentials or who have basic Excel skills, as this is one of Learnesy’s intermediate courses in Excel.

Is there exercises in this course?

This course includes many and short exercises. If you want to follow along with the lessons, you can do so by downloading the files that are attached to each lesson.

All chapters end with a quiz. With some questions there’s a downloadable resource which is needed to solve said exercise. 


Yes, if you have previously taken the Excel Essentials course, this course will give you a much deeper understanding and practical knowledge of Excel functions.


Yes. This comprehensive course contains lots of useful features and tips. However, this course requires some prior knowledge in the area of Excel functions. If you feel that you need to repeat the basics instead, you can take our course Excel Essentials.


This course takes about 3 hours to complete. To pass the course and receive your diploma, you must complete all the lessons and quizzes that make up each chapter. If, on the other hand, you want to download the lesson materials and follow along practically in each lesson yourself, this course will take a little longer.


If you need help, you can visit our forum or contact us at

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