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With Learnesy's online courses in Excel, Data Analysis and AI, you quickly elevate your team's expertise. Each participant receives unique access to their course content, and our admin view simplifies tracking of the team's progress.
Discover our coursesWe know that knowledge gaps exists at workplaces, Learnesy can therefore offer each user an personal log in with their own course content and language selection.
With Learnesy’s digital platform, you get a proven and well-liked colleague in the classroom. Today, Learnesy delivers courses to several universities and colleges in Sweden and Norway.
University teacher, Gothenburg University
Learnesy has provided my students with a solid foundation in Excel that they will benefit greatly from in the future. The structure has been pedagogical and easy to integrate into existing courses.
Program Director, Frans Schartau Handelsinstitut
In Hotel Management and Revenue Management & Data Analyst, Learnesy has been a significant and important part of the education, where students blend e-learning with some teacher-led lessons. This makes the level more consistent and enhances learning.
We offer a comprehensive range of courses for both large and small organizations, with courses at multiple levels and languages. We offer Excel courses in Swedish, English, Norwegian, and Finnish
To succeed, every course participant needs a good start. Therefore, we always begin with a digital introductory meeting where you will learn about how the tool works.
Test the competence within your company with our Excel test. Follow up on the course participants' progress in your admin view. Do you have your own LMS? We can also deliver the courses to you if you wish.
We also offer tailored on-site training. Our experts bring the training directly to your company and customize the content to address specific needs and challenges that your team faces.
The education always maintains the same high level; we don't have bad days. The courses are updated as the programs are updated, but also based on customer feedback and requests.
Do you want to integrate the courses into your LMS? No problem, we can handle it with packages or with a smooth Single Sign-On (SSO) connection. We already work this way with several customers today.
Learnesy loves to assist larger groups, which is why the price per participant decreases the more you are. Contact us, and we'll tell you more!
When changes occur during the day that requires you to pause your training, you can easily resume learning whenever it suits you, wherever you are.
Contact us and we will help you find the right courses.