• PHASE 1 CoralCoin development starts

  • PHASE 2 CoralCoin Launches With PoW/PoS
    Apply For Exchange Listings

  • PHASE 3 Masternodes Launch
    CoralCoin Store Development Beta
    Livestream Webcam(How can I say this better)???

  • PHASE 4 CoralCoin Store Launches
    Merchant Exchange Platform Development Starts

  • PHASE 5 CoralCoin App Development Starts

  • PHASE 6 Partnership With Online Vendors
    Mobile Wallet Development Begins

  • PHASE 7 To be revealed

  • PHASE 8 To Be Revealed

  • PHASE 9 To be revealed

  • PHASE 10 To be revealed

  • PHASE 11 To be revealed

  • PHASE 12 To be revealed